Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Well hello newcomers!

I was literally days from deleting this blog and starting fresh and new until I woke up one morning and discovered I had several followers all at once. How freaking awesome.

So I welcome you! I'm terribly sorry. My blog has gotten off to a bumpy start and perhaps that has something to do with the bumpy start to DD.

It's been around four months I believe since we began DD and I wouldn't go back.

(Well I would...but only to redo and do it better. Round two anyone?)

As a lurker on many blogs I have found many tips and helpfuls to get us up to par...and it's working. Finally. We saw boot camp on several blogs and decided to give it a try. And by give it a try I mean we did try, and kind of failed, but it was totally David (my HOH)'s fault. No really it was. I swear. We did one day. It was meant to be two. Actually he wanted four days because he said it wasn't fair that his army boot camp last for eight weeks and he went through much worse. He said he would have rather just been beaten a little rather than do all the crap they had to do. I think he doesn't know what a spanking feels like.

We started strong. Or he did. I whined. The night before we had a nice dinner prepared by me. Which none of you know me, but I'm just learning to cook so that was a feat in itself. Then we discussed the rules. I had a huge problem with asking permission to use my phone and computer. THOSE ARE MY CHILDREN. And immediately managed to get them taken away the night before. Oooops...

We got through the one day just fine though. It was rough (for those of you yet to do it) but even the one day I saw changes between the two of us. I had been feeling neglected due to his inconsistency and that's why we wanted boot camp and also why we started maintenance. But after and even maybe during. Maybe. Hard to tell when your a$$ is red.

He was sick for it though. So he woke up in the morning on day 2 and said nope, I feel like hell. I can't properly beat you when I feel like this.

But it did make him more consistent. In fact I'm getting spanked tonight. Ooopss. Apparently PMS is not reason enough to tell him "no" every time he asks me to do something.

I may have asked for this lifestyle...but that doesn't mean I'm any good at it.

Oh and did I mention we're getting married in 5 weeks? That's probably important.

P.S. I encourage all you newcomers to check out my humor blog as well as this one. It's called "Thank God It's Friday"and is attached to this name.

Once again, welcome everyone! Thanks for checking out my blog!


  1. Hey Ashley Marie :) I stumbled upon your blog the other day so thought I'd pop by to say hello.
    Look forward to reading more when you post..... and good luck on your wedding day that you added as a wee afterthought lol :)

  2. Haha thank you! I knew I had been missing something important..:) Thanks for stopping by my blog! I appreciate it!
