Friday, January 20, 2012

This ain't pretty.

Honestly I had another post in mind. Something happier. Something...informational even. But I think I'll have to put it aside and post it later. Maybe tomorrow...or the next it appears I'll have time.

Look I get that as an Army wife I'm supposed to be good at being alone, at being strong and independent all the time. And in truth I usually am but I think DD has changed me. I'm more dependent on David. I require his regular attention or I get a little off.

David is going into the field for the next 5 days. Really I'm lucky. He should have to do this every few weeks. He trains people to deploy. That's his job. So he spends a lot of time running through the woods playing the bad guy and teaching the new guys how to handle combat/attacks. I do understand that that is his job. But it doesn't make it any easier. And usually he doesn't have to go out the whole time and with all the cut backs (which is a bad thing) he doesn't go out to train as often as they are supposed to. So I'm not used to him leaving anymore.

A question I receive a lot is how on earth did I handle deployment for a year as well as all the time he was in Germany and away from me when I can't handle a few days away when he's all of 30 miles away. Well essentially, during that time, I had a life. We weren't yet married and I was already living on my own. I hadn't gotten used to him being around. And though I missed him terribly and worried for him constantly and wished every second for him to be there with me...I did have distractions. I had a job at the time. I worked anywhere from 40-70 hour weeks and I was going to school at the time as well. I had friends when I did find a moment of free time. I had photoshoots in STL and family to go see if all else failed. Basically, I was busy busy and independent. And also there he could contact me. In the field he has no phone,  no computer, no anything.

You see I've always been relatively independent. I didn't have the best relationship with my parents so I rarely went to them for anything. I've always had a friend or two I was close with but I seem to be a magnet for horrible, drama filled relationships that reek havoc in my life until I end them so other than those 2 friends I didn't have a lot of people around. I had a lot of problems and I dealt with them on my own. I trusted no one. Ever. When guys would try to get close to me I would make it clear from the start "I don't trust anyone. People lie and people leave and forever is a joke." That usually sent em running pretty quickly. But it was the truth. I still don't trust anyone.

But I trust my husband.

Over time I've come to find myself relying more and more on him. I really feel DD has done that. And that's a good thing I think. It's brought us remarkably close together. It has made me trust him and be open with him. But it's also made me reveal my vulnerable side. I don't like it but it's safe with him. And DD is all about being less independent and not having to be strong all the time.

What that seems to mean is that I need him. More than I'd like to admit. And I get used to him being around and I don't know how to handle it when he's gone. And now, unlike when he was deployed, I'm really really alone. I don't have a job. I'm 800 miles from family and friends. We don't have kids. And we don't have a lot of money. What that means is that we rely on each other for company and entertainment but me more so than him. Reason being he's a soldier. He's busy like I was before. He has friends here and has a job to go to and do. He's occupied. I keep up with the housework. I watch some Psych on netflix. I write and I spend waayy too much time with Google. I play games on my phone and I call my mom incessantly.


I feel pathetic. 5 days is not much even without contact. But when he told me a few hours ago that he's leaving tomorrow morning I just shut down. I tuned him out and checked out. He's leaving so I put back up my walls. And I think I was even a little mad. Not necessarily at him but just in general. It's nothing he can control and I don't want him worrying about me while he's gone but my anxiety has been through the roof lately. And I have a doctors appointment to find out about some odd stuff going on with my body and whether or not I'm pregnant and he's not going to be contactable during that time and it just sucks.

I'm sorry.

This post wasn't pretty. I just really needed to vent. And I sound ridiculous. I'm just going to stop writing now. I'll come back when I've calmed down.


  1. I don't think your pathetic at all. When my husband has to be gone for long shifts I don't do well at all. Both of my brothers are in the military and have had to do year assignments and be gone from their wives and kids...neither marriage made divorced and the other isn't doing so hot. Thank God that you have a gift like Dd that gives you closeness and way to connect and to enjoy your know? Don't put yourself's normal for a girl to miss her guy. You're not weak.

    1. Thanks Ashley. You're right. I'm so very glad we have DD to get us through these things. I really feel like it's the secret weapon that's gonna keep us going while others fail. Glad to hear also that I'm not totally crazy for feeling so outta whack when my husbands gone.

  2. I just got finished reading your blog and it's so refreshing to find someone who is almost identical to myself. I am also a very independent person, and that's why I found a man with authority to secure my life because at times, even though I wish I were, I'm not capable of holding everything on my own. When I started dating Chris, I became more dependent than I have ever been, and I beat myself up about it at first because I felt like such a clingy girlfriend, but it was also such an incredible feeling to feel that in love, and not want to ever be away even for the night. My Master and I have been living together since day one and so a night away from him is the worst.

    Those 5 days are going to be rough, but I know you can handle it. I don't know how you husband feels about talking to other subs, but if it's ok with him I would love to talk to you more and help you through this week. It seems like I came across your blog at the perfect moment. :)


    1. Hi zoe! I've been enjoying these comments as they've come in :) I've been away from my computer but comments go to my phone. I totally feel you about being torn between worrying about being too clingy and loving the safety and love that that type of vulnerability can bring. It's hard for us who aren't naturally quite as submissive as we'd like to be. Also, I agree, perfect timing. I just asked and it'd be great to talk to you more as well :)

    2. Yay! It's kind of crazy. I've been looking hard for someone roughly my age to talk to. My Man has gotten a lot stricter lately and sometimes it's overwhelming so sometimes I need a girlfriend who gets it. I don't usually make friends with girls easily so hopefully this will be a pleasant change. :)

    3. Mine's been stepping up a lot lately too. It's been...painful lol. Honestly I don't usually go towards girls either but I think DD girls get eachother better and it is difficult to find ones our age! Which is sad but at least there's a few of us :) I think this'll be good :)

    4. Yes... very, painful. Lol. I think DD girls understand each other better than any other type of friendship. For one, we don't have to keep our lifestyle a secret and that allows us to be 100% open from the get go. This WILL be good. When does your husband leave? :(

      P.S. I accidentally wrote the comment in the wrong spot. Whoops!

    5. That's totally it. I mean as close as we can be with other people it's just not the same without being able to completely say who we are. This is a bigger part of our lives than I think even we realize sometimes, at least that's how I feel about it sometimes. And I agree :) He leaves tomorrow morning :( He's packing right now :(

    6. It's kind of crazy because we're only just starting to talk now, but I feel like I know you better than some people through your blog and how open you are about certain issues that I face everyday.

      I'm so sorry. I don't know if I could last without even having a chance to talk to my Man. Just know that it'll be over soon enough and that embrace when you get to see him again will be worth it.

    7. I actually had started reading your blog a while back just before I started my own blog. On my phone your name sounded familiar but I went back to look when I got home and I remember reading it now. I've been playing a little catch up over the last hour and I feel the same way, the knowing you already thing. You're very honest throughout and I like that.

      And thanks :( We just did a maintenance and I cried before I even got over his knee. Not gonna lie, it was a pretty rough spanking for just a maintenance but I mostly just was upset he's leaving. I didn't want to talk to him about it but I think he gets it. He gave me exactly what I needed to keep me going the next few days. This is gonna be hard. I am a terrible army wife apparently.

    8. You read my blog? Oh wow, that makes me feel so special lol! Yeah, it's kind of crazy how similar we are. I'm actually weird when it comes to being open and honest. I think I wasn't programmed at all to lie, or hide anything for that matter. Even if my most vanilla friend asked me why my butt was bruised (say they saw it when we went swimming one day) I would probably tell them and turn bright red and lose perhaps lose a friend because of it. I can't help but say exactly what's on my mind at all times. It's a curse and a blessing.

      Aww. You're so cute lol! I don't cry too often when being spanked. I'm too stubborn I think, i don't like admitting that it hurts. Don't get me wrong, I beg and plead him to get off me and and tell him I'm sorry like no other, but I don't let myself get to the point of tears except. It does happen every now and again though and it's such an incredible release, but I still don't like it getting to that point. Ouch.

      It's awesome that he knows what you need and you're still newlyweds. :) How long have you guys been dating? If that's not private, of course.

    9. Lol well you read mine and that makes me feel special! haha. It's nice to hear somone reads our thoughts and ramblings, ya know? I used to be real good at lying. Not a good trait, I know, but I was. But DD has changed that. I actually have told a few friends. 2 understood entirely. 1...less so..and we're no longer friends. Let's just say she kept me up on my wedding night trying to tell me not to marry him because of it. But I'm glad I told her anyway. Now I know who I can trust.

      Ha...I'm one of those that needs to cry to be "okay." I hate it. I'm not usually much of a crier but I found I need to. Not always but sometimes. They don't every listen to that begging do they! The release is indeed awesome though. I always feel better after.

      Well we talked for about a year and a half because he was in Germany and then Afghanistan and we weren't sure it would work starting that way. Half way through deployment we just decided to call it what it was: a relationship. So about 3 years if you count it all. A year and a half if you don't :P We lived together for about 6 months before we were married so we've had a little time. How long have you two been together?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It is nice knowing that there are others out there who actually take the time to read and comment. It's a good fuzzy feeling. :) I'm glad you're more honest now. Honesty is one of the best traits you can have in my opinion because without honesty and being open, there is no room for trust and/or communication. It all starts with being honest, and finding that person who loves you for who you are, not who you claim to be. I've only told my sister, and my best friend (haven't had to tell anyone else.. :P) and my sister doesn't get me but my friend supports it, but isn't involved with it. It is good to know who my true friends are because of it.

    Aww. Well, there's nothing wrong with crying. Growing up my mom would encourage crying and so I'm used to crying ALL of the time and so it's like I'm playing a little game with myself, see how long I can last without completely losing it. I probably should let go more often. Chris is so incredible even when I cry, it's nice to have a man that puts up with my emotional craziness.

    That's kind of awesome that you guys grew so close even so far away. So you knew him before, right? Or did you meet him online? Chris and I have almost been together for one year now. It's crazy, it's already been a year, yikes. :P

    I think we're gonna nap. He said he was tired, and I said I wanted to nap with him after responding to you and now he's passed out next to me.. Oops. Time to move him to the bedroom for some cuddle time. :)

    1. I replied to the wrong spot again. Whatever. -____-

  5. I went to bed to. With a soldier for a husband you go to bed early a lot. And now he's gone :( I think I'm dying. Lol. I might be being overdramatic but it's only been since 8am and I'm already going crazy.

    So few people comment by the look of my page views! It's saddening. I agree with the honesty. I've gotten to the point where if I do anything I feel I have to tell David immediately or I end up in a panic attack (anxiety issues to the max) and I can't look him in the eye. I don't get away with much

    He actually went to prom with my best friend and they decided to be friends after hah. We went to the same high school but he was several years older and I never saw him. He came home on leave from Germany and we hung out once. I stared at my feet. lol. We started talking over facebook after that and eventually he managed to call me from time to time. (It's hard to call internationally, especially with army life and no phone) and well...obviously we made it eventually :)

    A year is such a good place! Congrats! I like to say that's the time when you've officially learned most of who they are as a person. That didn't make much sense. I meant like you've had all the holidays together, birthdays, and really had time to see every season of them in more ways than one. :)

    1. psh...I posted in the wrong place too. Perhaps we're bad at this.

    2. Aww. Hang in there sweetie. Today has been a rough day for me too. School starts Monday so I think I'm just 100% stressed out all around and I take it out on him and it's SO not fair to him. I took a shower, and he tried to spank me but I begged him not to and he actually didn't. I think he understands that I don't mean to be a brat, it just kind of happens when I'm stressed out and I need his compassion more than a punishment.

      That's such an incredible story! I'm so glad you guys stuck through the long distance and fell in love. That just shows that you'll be able to overcome everything, including these 5 days of hell.

      This year has been incredible for the both of us. I can't wait to experience even more holidays with him. It's kind of awesome finding that person who you want to be with forever, I'm such a lucky girl that I have him. :)

      Whatever, at least we're bad at this together lol. We're going book shopping, woo. Hope to talk to you soon!

  6. So I don't know how your husband feels about me adding you on facebook. I came across your page because of your humor blog and was wondering if I could add you..

    Just note that I don't use my real name on here so I'll send a message with my request if it's alright.

  7. He said it's fine if you add me. Just send a message like you said so I know it's you :) And wanna know something awesome? They forgot him today. Maybe that's not awesome for him entirely. But it means at least for today, he's home :) and it's awesome that you found somebody you feel that with. It's a truly amazing feeling isn't it? :) I just tried to beg my way out of a didn't work so well. But unfortunately for me it was just brattiness..not stress..causing my actions. OOps?

    1. OK. I'll send over a request! Aww, I'm glad you at least have this one night with him. Things always work out, and I know you'll be fine once he's gone. Just remember, he'll be back as soon as he can. :)

  8. Hello Ashley,

    My name is Jack.

    I'm the author of a popular guide called "Jack's Blowjob Lessons" ( you can Google it ), I ran into your blog and I believe that your readers might find my guide valuable.

    Please tell me if it is possible to write a guest article on your blog and/or do you write book reviews? If yes, I can send you a copy.

    Thanks in advance,

    1. Hello Jack. Thanks for reading! Honestly, your site and book look good. I can say I'm intrigued. But I think that this particular blog may not be the best audience. This isn't an erotic blog and also most of my readers are married...and therefore kinda stuck with their spouses and aren't quite as concerned with giving awesome bjs :) I do have another blog, however, that might be suitable for the subject. It's currently growing rather rapidly in traffic numbers and also I have links to it all over this blog so my readers from here often add to those numbers. It's kind of a humor/off the wall blog. Mostly random. My readers are mostly college students and would probably find use in your book. If you wouldn't mind a slightly humorous take as well as factual on a book review I would be happy to place it on that blog. But as for this blog, I just feel it would be out of place. Also a guest blog is a possibility as well. Maybe even a mix of the two.

      If this interests you let me know.

  9. Hey Ashley :)

    Thanks for your reply! I really appreciate it. An honest review is more than welcome. Can you please send me your email address at jacksbjlessonscontact at, so I will send you my book for review. Let's keep in touch.


  10. Dear Ashley,
    I just read your major meltdown post but I will comment on it here. I am amazed at how just listening to strangers recounting stories from their everyday lives can be so healing for me. I COMPLETELY understand your feelings and can relate to them so well, I only envy that you can cry. I too had a Father and step Father who would made me fear them, I was not "Handled with Care" so to speak. I would suspect that the shower had very little to do with it but the general feeling of being "trapped" when you tried to run and he stopped you. That has caused more than it's fair share of meltdowns between my husband and I. I become enraged, volatile and completely hateful while my husband, a very large man and I also like you
    are very tiny, seems to become perplexed and helpless. You both handled it VERY well. This is the
    beautiful part of DD. It uncovers parts of our hearts that need healing. It is not submission that you are
    grappling with but the barrier to that submission- your lack of trust. Now your husband can actively and
    tenderly address that. Beautiful! Thank you for that post! Take care... Kristin the Happy Lurker : )
